February 13, 2025


Types of civil law

Far-right Spanish party Vox hosts rally with international leaders

Former US President Donald Trump threw his weight behind Spain’s far-right party Vox, in a video shown at a rally in Madrid that also featured messages by the leading stars of Europe’s populist right.

In a recording that lasted under 40 seconds made while Trump was on a plane, he thanked Spain’s far-right Vox party and its leader Santiago Abascal for what he called the “great job” they do.

“We have to make sure that we protect our borders and do lots of very good conservative things,” Trump said. “Spain is a great country and we want to keep it a great country. So congratulations to Vox for so many great messages you get out to the people of Spain and the people of the world.”

Vox’s leader Santiago Abascal returned the flattery when he took to the stage at the outdoor venue after more video messages by European and South American right-wing politicians. Poland’s Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, also attended the rally in person. 

“My thanks for President Donald Trump, a visionary in the fight for sovereign nations, a visionary in the fight for secure borders, who has had to suffer [attacks] from the most powerful establishment in the world and the largest media attack that any world leader has had to face in recent memory,” Abascal told the crowd of several thousand, many waving red-and-yellow Spanish flags.

Georgia Meloni, who heads Italy’s largest party after recent elections and will likely be appointed the Prime Minister, focused on an anti-globalisation message and immigration.

She wants “a pragmatic Europe that, for example, pursues the environmental transition without destroying its productive fabric and giving itself hand and foot to China; that welcomes those who arrive from other countries legally to work and defends its external borders against illegal immigration with the outside world; that invests in the birth rate and defends educational freedom and the social role of the family.”

Vox and its supporters hope that like the surge in support for Georgia Meloni in Italy, more Spaniards will come to their cause ahead of elections which must be held before the end of next year.