September 20, 2024


Types of civil law

Helping startups, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises succeed in Malaysia. An interview with Veon Szu Khaw – Asia Law Portal

Veon Szu Khaw founded Veon Szu & Kok Thye in George Town, Malaysia, over 12 years ago.  In this interview with Asia Law Portal, he explained what inspires his practice and how he helps clients amid a technology-enabled legal landscape.

What inspired you to pursue a career in law?

The simple answer is that I am hopeless with figures, especially additional maths!

A more sober explanation would be that I love history. Many heroes and statesmen from the history books that I look up to, like Abraham Lincoln and Lee Kuan Yew, are lawyers!

Naturally, I also have a great interest in politics. And legal knowledge, though not a pre-requisite, is essential in any political process in shaping society and nation.

I can still remember vividly when I received my STPM results (equivalent to A level), I almost applied for Economics at the University of Malaya. At that stage of life, I was fascinated with economic principles and seriously thinking of becoming a lecturer with an Ivory tower. But before I could post my application form, my elder sister called, reminding me, “Szu, do you like politics or not? If yes, then go for the law!”

And the rest, as they say, is history.

What is your legal practice focus and which firm do you work with?

Like most junior lawyers, I started as a litigation lawyer, mainly practising banking and general litigation. Then, as I progressed over the years, I joined a few legal firms that practised different law areas. As a result, I was exposed to and trained in other legal practices like conveyancing and corporate works.

I now practice under my firm, Veon Szu & Kok Thye, specializing in Startup, Business and Intellectual Property law.

What types of challenges and opportunities do you help clients with?

In the past few years, I have found my calling in helping startups, micro, small and medium enterprises clients to succeed in their business ventures.

Nothing can be more fulfilling than being able to guide our clients in overcoming various challenges in different stages of their entrepreneurial journey.

I appreciate my client’s confidence in me by entrusting me to solve the following legal problems:

(a)   Setting up the business structure (sole proprietorship, partnership or corporate)

(b)   Forming a team (co-founders, partners, shareholders, and employees)

(c)    Housing the team (renting, leasing or owning property)

(d)   Creating intellectual property (creation and protection of intellectual property)

(e)   Commercialization (licensing, joint-venture and investment)

(f)     Funding (equity funding or debt financing)

Some information about our startup law practice:

[Coffee& Curry Puff] Commercialization and Fundraising: What Every Startups Need To Know | Digital Penang was live. | By Digital Penang | Facebook

Does technology have an impact on your practice?

 Yes, technology is essential to my legal practice.

In response to the ever-changing legal landscape worldwide, I have established an innovative and contemporary legal services brand – Veon Szu® Law.

Veon Szu® Law aims to meet the legal demands of modern business. We adopt technology as a strategic differentiator to reduce costs and risks, improve efficiencies, and deliver better values to our clients. Hence, we built our own App — Veon Szu® Law App, to serve our valued clients better.

More info about Veon Szu® Law App:  Veon Szu® Law – Success Stories – Moxo

How can clients and referral sources contact you?

I can be contacted through various channels.

Twitter: @veonszu


Email: [email protected]
