See what the stars have in store for your zodiac sign

Life is unpredictable and so are you, Gemini. When the opportunity to pack your bags and hop on to a plane arises, just say yes. A one-of-a-kind adventure is on the cards for you this week, beautiful. Leo, the week ahead sees you reclaiming the reins of your life. You are actively working with the law of attraction and calling in one-of-a-kind opportunities in the realm of your career. Something tells us you’re about to have a ka-ching moment on the financial front too. This is a time of hope and healing, Cancer. Of shedding old skin and becoming who you were all along. Nothing will liberate you like embodying your truth, beautiful. Remember, there is no shift in the inner landscape that will not create a vibrational shift in the outside world.
Aries Horoscope Today: September 7, 2021
You know that thing that you’ve been avoiding the most? Get that out of the way first thing in the morning today. You’ll be so much more at ease once you do. As a result, your productivity will improve too. This is a wonderful time for rams who are working in the field of publishing, marketing, PR and entertainment. Turn your attention to the inner world. Sit down with the creative forces and allow some of the best ideas to come through to you. Yes, you are a changemaker who is being called to plant the seeds for change in the collection consciousness.
Cosmic tip: Pay attention to the ideas that are coming through to you.
Taurus Horoscope Today: September 7, 2021
So what if you have been broken and bruised, Taurus? So what if you have failed many times before? Don’t make this failure a part of your narrative, especially when you have a parallel reality available to you. What the cards want you to do: fix your gaze on the given destination as you vow to move forward and onwards. You have mountains to move on this journey, and the time to start taking action is now.
Cosmic tip: Don’t let your failures define you.
Gemini Horoscope Today: September 7, 2021
Life is unpredictable and so are you, Gemini. When the opportunity to pack your bags and hop on to a plane arises, just say yes. A one-of-a-kind adventure is on the cards for you this week, beautiful. It’s a good idea to follow your instincts—and to let your heart lead the way even when your head tries to interfere with the process. In doing so, you will find true liberation. PS: Some of you could be making space for a whirlwind romance too!
Cosmic tip: Say yes to life!
Cancer Horoscope Today: September 7, 2021
This is a time of hope and healing, Cancer. Of shedding old skin and becoming who you were all along. Nothing will liberate you like embodying your truth, beautiful. Remember, there is no shift in the inner landscape that will not create a vibrational shift in the outside world. Pay attention to what the physical is mirroring back at you. Something tells us that balance and harmony is being restored in your interpersonal relationships too.
Cosmic tip: It’s time to embody your truth.
Leo Horoscope Today: September 7, 2021
The week ahead sees you reclaiming the reins of your life, Leo. You are actively working with the law of attraction and calling in one-of-a-kind opportunities in the realm of your career. Something tells us you’re about to have a ka-ching moment on the financial front too. What’s more, you’re entering a committed relationship with self-growth, bringing light to the dark parts and transmuting the shadows. Learning to embody your truth is a lifelong process, but who says you cannot begin now?
Cosmic tip: You’re calling in one-of-a-kind opportunities on the professional front.
Virgo Horoscope Today: September 7, 2021
This phase of your life is about the hustle. You’re putting in your best efforts without being attached to a specific outcome, which in turn is propelling your career in the right direction. Pay attention to the opportunities that are coming your way at this point or the projects you’re being called to invest in. The energy of the new moon is supporting growth and mindful expansion. Some of you may be thinking about growing your team as well. If you think that there is a certain somebody who can add value to the organisation, send them the contract you’ve been sitting on for a while, Virgo.
Cosmic tip: What are the projects that you’re being called to invest in now?
Libra Horoscope Today: September 7, 2021
It’s a work-hard-play-hard kind of week for you, Libra. You’re feeling motivated to put your best foot forward and say yes to the kind of opportunities that you didn’t feel confident about in the past. Trust that this shift in your vibration will make you a magnet for the good stuff. What’s more, your adventurous side is coming to the fore too. So, pay attention to what your inner compass is pointing towards. If and when the chance to visit an unknown destination comes knocking, say yes!
Cosmic tip: Here’s to a one-of-a-kind adventure!
Scorpio Horoscope Today: September 7, 2021
The thing is, we tend to wear our bruises like badges of honour, Scorpio. We keep RSVPing to that pity party for one, and repeating the story of rejection and failure. But, what if the pain was meant to serve as a catalyst for growth and evolution? View your situation from a higher perspective, beautiful. In doing so, you will find the courage to march forward *and* realise that the Universe has been playing for your team all along.
Cosmic tip: It’s time to stop wearing those bruises like badges of honour.
Sagittarius Horoscope Today: September 7, 2021
Each thought, word and action is charged with energy, and this energy has the potential to create your reality as you go along. The real question is: what do you want to affirm today? Do you want to repeat the narrative of pain and rejection or focus on the parallel reality that is available to you in each moment? Remember, you are an alchemist, Sagittarius, and the power to turn that pain into a sweet elixir has always been within you.
Cosmic tip: What are you affirming today?
Capricorn Horoscope Today: September 7, 2021
Love it or hate it, you can’t live without it. Yes, we’re talking about your complex relationship with social media, Capricorn. But, the good news is, you can engage as much as you want to, and share the kind of information that inspires change and plants the seeds for home. Yes, this also means having certain boundaries in place so you don’t indulge any more than you’re meant to. For those seeking love, a virtual romance may be on the cards. While the suitor’s got game, are they worth investing in? Only time will tell, beautiful.
Cosmic tip: You have the opportunity to inspire change with the kind of information you put out there.
Aquarius Horoscope Today: September 7, 2021
Birth, growth, degeneration, death, and decay—so goes the cycle of life. But is death really the end, or simply a portal to the new? The metamorphosis you are experiencing is a testimony to the light that follows the darkest of night. So, take a moment to look back—at the good, the bad, and the ugly. They all helped transform you and make you the person you are today. If that doesn’t call for a prayer of gratitude, what does, Aquarius?
Cosmic tip: Some cycles need to end, so you can free yourself from the old, beautiful.
Pisces Horoscope Today: September 7, 2021
The new moon cycle is bringing with itself hope, harmony and togetherness. Spending time with the soul family is going to be a big theme this week. We’re talking about the kind of people who make you feel nourished on a mind, body, and soul level. Things on the financial front may not be so great, though. The sudden increase in your profits that you’ve been manifesting are unlikely to fructify soon. Word for the wise: saving mode on.
Cosmic tip: You’re spending time with the kind of people who make you feel nourished on a mind, body, and soul level.
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