January 15, 2025


Types of civil law

Kudos to Attorney Carolyn Elefant On the 20th Anniversary of Her Blog, My Shingle

Last week, Attorney Carolyn Elefant celebrated the twentieth anniversary of her blog, My Shingle.

Elefant is an example of how – and why – lawyers should blog about important issues in our profession, even if the issues do not directly relate to what they practice.

Elefant is not running a practice most would expect from a solo or small firm.

She runs a national practice fighting climate change through the representation of renewable energy companies and sustainability entrepreneurs on permitting and IP and defends communities and landowners across the country impacted by pipeline infrastructure and eminent domain in federal district and appellate courts. Powerful stuff.

But when it comes to her legal blog, Robert Ambrogi describes Elefant as the patron saint for solo and small firms.

For twenty years, Elefant, has published some of the best, if not the best, information and insight for solos and small firms.

Not just information, Elefant delivers with inspiration and, occasionally, a kick in the rear to get lawyers started doing what’s possible.

Elefant has also not been shy in telling folks, including bar associations, how things are, as it relates to solo and small firms.

More than once, Elefant has made clear that though the vast majority of lawyers are in solo and small firms, too much time, money and effort of bars, think tanks and symposiums is spent on large law.

Making money as a result of blogging has not been Elefant’s goal. She wanted, among other things, a platform to raise topics the legal profession isn’t studying or talking about.

You’ll get that and plenty of helpful info for practicing and business development from Elefant at My Shingle.

I have learned plenty when it comes to blogging from Elefant, especially from our give and take, via blogging, when we had no social media.

As a lawyer looking to standup for what is right, while also learning how to build a name, you could do a lot worse than reading Elefant’s blog.

Our profession is a better one because of Elefant, her blog, books, writing and speaking.

Well done on your blog’s twenty, Carolyn. I am honored to call you a friend.