- La Vergne increases pay tables by 6%
- Eagleville may increase pay by up to 10% after completing review of pay scales
- Murfreesboro provides public safety workers 6% increase in pay and 5% for others
- Rutherford County will provide 4% increase to pay tables for government and school district workers
Local governments were able to give raises to their employees without increasing property taxes for a fiscal year that started July 1.
Rutherford County school district and most government workers on the county’s pay plan will see pay tables increase by 4% as part of an overall appropriation of $686.3 million approved recently by the county commission.
“We’re very happy about that,” said Commissioner Trey Gooch, vice chairman of the Budget, Finance and Investment Committee. “The budget process was very streamlined. There was a lot of work into it. We did make some cuts that we always hate to do.”
County Mayor Bill Ketron praised department heads for working to maintain a conservative budget that allowed the opportunity to provide the raises.
“Our employees worked straight through the pandemic either coming into work or working from home,” Ketron said. “We consider them all essential, and we’re happy to show them our appreciation with this increase.”
The 4% increase applies to workers on the county or school district pay plans. Those working for the county’s Highway Department, Property Assessor, Register of Deeds, Trustee and County Clerk offices are on different pay plans.
Gooch said the county benefited by obtaining federal COVID-19 grant funds to pursue the purchase of the vacated State Farm regional office in Murfreesboro for a proposed forensic center and administration space for law enforcement officers and dispatchers.
The county also plans to use the grant money to build six public health and safety buildings in rural communities surrounding Murfreesboro.
Here is a look at the budgets for local governments at a glance and how they increased or decreased from the previous year.
Rutherford County
- Schools general purpose budget: $441.8 million, an increase from $430.6 million
- School district budget for cafeterias: $21.9 million, an increase from $21.4 million
- Education capital projects for school maintenance: $7.7 million
- Schools jobs added: 85
- Total number of school district employees: about 5,800, including 5,176 full-time equivalent positions
- County general fund: $122.4 million, a decrease from nearly $140 million
- Emergency Medical Service: $15.9 million, down from $16.6 million budget
- Highway Department budget: $11.8 million, a decrease from $14.9 million budget
- Solid Waste/Sanitation budget: $5.8 million, a decrease of past budget of $6 million
- Debt service budget: $58.2 million
- Drug Control fund: $488,000
- Economic development fund: $197,670
- Special Purpose fund: $20,000
- Total of all county budgets: $686.3 million
- Jobs added to government services: 46
- Total number of government employees: 1,634, including 1,371 full-time
- Pay raise increase for school district and most government employees on county pay plan: 4% lift to pay tables
- New projects supported by the debt service: $34.4 million to add 57 classrooms via three expansion projects: 25 classrooms and a second cafeteria at Rockvale Elementary; 20 classrooms in a new wing at Rockvale Middle and 12 classrooms through the renovation of Smyrna Middle annex.
- Murfreesboro main government budget: $208.4 million, about a $9.2 million increase from past year
- City’s Water Resources budget funded by ratepayers: $56.6 million
- City Schools budget: $92.9 million, about a $1.8 million increase
- Total school district jobs added: 3 teachers and a purchasing agent, for a total workforce of 1,670
- Pay raise for school district employees: 3% lift to pay tables
- Percentage of property tax revenues funding City Schools: 19.2%
- Total budgets: $510 million
- Total jobs added to government: 23 with 11 in public safety
- Total government jobs: 1,480 (1,041 full-time and 439 part-time)
- Pay raise for public safety workers: 3.5% cost of living adjustment increase and 2.5% step increase
- Vacancies in police and fire department jobs after council approved budget: 60
- Pay raise for other government workers: 2.5% cost of living adjustment increase and 2.5% step increase
- Bonuses to each essential worker in public safety and health from American Rescue Plan Act of 2021: $2,500
- Bonuses to each of the other workers from American Rescue Plan Act of 2021: $1,500
- Bonuses for school district employees approved in February: equals 1% of annual pay
- Added jobs for MPD: four detectives, sergeant, two crime data analysts to monitor $725,000 a future public safety fixed and mobile camera system
- Acquisition of body cameras for all certified officers: $305,000
- Government capital project plans supported by debt service and state grants: $70.3 million for various road maintenance and widening projects,; engineering design for west side park for baseball and softball fields on Franklin Road; design work for a central Transit Center near downtown with $5.5 million budgeted (80% from federal funds, 10% each from state and city)
- School capital projects: federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund may be used on renovations, roofs, heating and cooling systems, parking lot resurfacing and expansions
- Expenditure budget: $47.6 million, a $3.7 million increase from past year
- Raises: 1.75% increase as market adjustment for all employees, who can earn up to 6.75% when merit raises are counted
- Added jobs: six, including three police officer trainees
- Total jobs: 551
- Capital projects supported in budget by debt service and grants: widening of Sam Ridley Parkway (late 2021 completion) at $3.4 million; start of widening of Sam Ridley Parkway and Old Nashville Highway, $1.9 million; new entrance to Lee Victory Park from Nolan Drive, $1.7 million to start by late summer; design and study phase of Rocky Fork Almaville Road widening to three lanes, $500,000; and design phase of addition to Fire Station No. 1, $500,000
- Budget for debt service: $2.6 million
- Town’s current debt: $22.5 million
La Vergne
- Budget: $26.3 million, increase from previous year’s $24 million budget
- Raises: 6% lift to pay tables
- Added jobs: 13, including two crime suppression officers and a K9 officer
- Total jobs: 256
- Money added to reserve funds: $5 million
- Capital projects supported by debt service in budget: $35 million bond to fund part of Waldron Road widening project from Interstate 24 to Rock Springs Road, new fire station on Old Nashville Highway and an addition to the police department headquarters
- Government budget: $1.4 million, an increase of $108,721 from previous budget
- Raises: None citywide, but merit raises can be up to 10%
- Added jobs: firefighter, and an assistant to the city manager
- Total employees: 13
- Capital projects supported by budget: $4.5 million to purchase and renovate new police department building; building a new fire station; and $300,000 to fund completion of final phase of current drip field for sewer lines
Reach reporter Scott Broden at [email protected] or 615-278-5158. Follow him on Twitter @ScottBroden.
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